

Thursday, February 26, 2015

sugar free memories

Mesostics, haikus
random nothings
poetry like a bushman's fire
is a matter of chance

a mountain stream
that gushes down
and suddenly vanishes

a lone cloud
drifting across
a summer sky

a bland cup of tea
and a potful
of sugar free memories.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The statistics tell me this is post no.493, the reminders on the phone tell me it is going to be 6 years today since I first said-my blog.

So what does having this virtual baby entail, I would say a lot. My biological baby is also six now and I have started humanising myself for her gradually. I realised that I had to begin getting down from the pedestal that my offspring put me up on by default like every other child does.

Kids  assume that parents are invincible, infallible ,almost superhuman. But parents are humans too and the day the illusion breaks its not always pleasant. So I want to consciously show her my human follies one by one. I want to accept my failures/drawbacks and rip the divinity shield motherhood hides you in.

This blog baby has also seen my best and my worst, and it is one intelligent baby to keep inspiring me to be better.

I have written posts about Birthdays of this blog ,and anything under the sun.

If you are reading this, thanks for reading this blog and being the unseen strength behind me and my voice.



Friday, February 20, 2015

Everyday Compassion : #1000speak for Compassion

I had joined this project a few weeks ago because of one word that has a lot of value for me - COMPASSION. The emotion that is one of the few higher things that separate us humans from the other beings.

Often we show our best to strangers and worst to those closest to us. Because our public images have become more important than our personal beings.

In huge cities living in "apartments", using the best "gadgets" we overlook lots of human loneliness and misery around us. The window that is never open, the pair of eyes behind the wire mesh door, the lady who keeps mumbling in the elevator, we overlook because we are so self-engrossed.

The family member whose sleeping patterns or eating habits have changed, the household help who has become very silent and forgetful suddenly.

We need more eyes and ears than ever, more human contact, conversations and smiles. A simple "good morning !" , "Hello ! How are you?", could make someones day. A text, a call, an e-mail could become a saviour for someone who thinks nobody loves him/her.

Lets be there for those who could use a friend , a smile, a helping hand.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


The cursor blinks
like a silent heartbeat,
yeah I know what
Hemingway said about
typewriters and bleeding at them.

The half finished chant
lingers on my mind- Nam Myoho .....

like the huge metal
prayer wheels
the mind whirls
whirls whirls
like a Sufi
in Sama

wedges or boots
sandwiches or sprouts
choose, choose, choose
am I the mirror
the image
or the I

change is the hope
change is the fear

is a word
like every word
Free size garments
used randomly

the insides
are doomed to
be empty

the vacuums
always get filled

nothing is forever

Monday, February 2, 2015

Pregnant with a million Haikus

A lone letter box stands with a rusty lock hanging on it. I think of all the dead letters inside it. Five decades more if it survives the ever expanding roads and rails and empty hearts it will become an antique - precious and useless.

 Met a friend after one and a half decade on social media yesterday( as much as meeting is possible there.) She has the same smile, same radiant eyes. What is a virtue in life, I wonder? Somethings remaining unchanged and somethings constantly changing and knowing the difference.

The river flows

to a point of

no return

and comes back

as snow

What is the purpose of the silent alphabets in English words ?, the little one asks. I can't give her a linguistic answer so I buy some time and wonder what is the purpose of silent words in conversations?
Why is complexity fashionable and simplicity plain simple?

Old love letters in a closet

are they complex or simple

psychological assessments
medical alignments
mental confinements
I am pregnant
with a million haikus
only if
Hemingway's angst
would stop
drowning me.