

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

JUNK JUDGEMENTALISM #AtoZChallenge #LifeLesson

Remember when you point a finger
three are pointing at you

all of us just human
Sometimes I am wrong
sometimes you
A superpower social media access has given us is to observe other people, their lives and their opinions and pass judgements on them. We do this often in real life too, without knowing the other person's reasons or struggles to behave or react in a certain way we are quick to be judgemental and put a label on them.

A little compassion, a little sense of our own fallibility makes us not only less judgemental but more humane towards ourselves too, sadly we often judge ourselves too and often most harshly.

The world needs multiplicity and the acceptance of that, the world needs us to push each other forward not pull each other down and this can be true of sects, societies, nations and people. So the next time you are about to sit on judgement on someone just imagine yourself in their shoes, just don't be quick to label them and categorise them.

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