

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Catharsis and Epiphany #AtoZChallenge #Reflections

Image Courtesy : Google Images

#AtoZChallenge 2017 was my third consecutive one and just like the two previous ones , it came at a very crucial juncture in my life.

Battling through a personal crisis, an injury,ill health and a load of mental health challenges, this year my theme - Short Poems for Inspirational Writers, provided me lots of moments of catharsis and epiphany.

I researched the writers who have inspired my writing , added a quote that seemed most relevant to me in my post and then tried to incorporate my association and learning from them in a small poem that followed.

I did not read much of other blogs simply because of my lack of energy and strength , but tried to respond to every comment here meaningfully and pay at least some courtesy visits back to the bloggers who visited me.

Missed the Twitter Chats with everyone @AprilA2Z this time around.

Cia all until next time !

Here's a list of all my #AtoZChallenge posts.