

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Me or MEME (#LifeLessons #SocialMedia) #FlashFiction #AtoZ

Shauna was the ace programmer at her office. She was superb with software and was the centre of attention always. Off late the new guy in office Roberto was doing well too, and secretly Shauna felt threatened.

She friended him on all social networks and soon they were in a casual friendship. It was Roberto’s birthday, he was more drunk than usual and Shauna dropped him home, but not without clicking a few very drunk pictures.

Next morning Roberto's meme* was viral, he was an internet sensation about how not to celebrate your birthday. Shauna’s me before you was now a meme.

*an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.

Here is a list of all my A to Z Challenge posts for 2018

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