

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Drawing a food chain
I look at who eats who

the vicious cycle 
the soul the first link
the last too

all predators/consumers
in between

Dearly beloved

Did you feel 
my warm heartbeat?
like you sometimes hold
your cup of chai
in both your palms

Did you taste me
as delicately as you
slip a warm roasted peanut
between your lips

I accept now
why love consumes
why you consumed me completely

But you could have done it
with love.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Representational image from Google Images

“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.”

― Markus Zusak

She is a team leader
but works mostly from home
She dotes on her daughter
but sometimes misses school events

She talks so much sense
In Skype meetings
If you ignore her bad hair
And the scattered things

She has the most generous smile
and almost instant empathy
she posts inspiring quotes
and never complains about a thing

besides these she looks after
a spouse bedridden
and hopes for better things

She is beauty personified
And in the face of life’s hurdles
She never forgets to sing.

I believe every woman has TRUE BEAUTY within her in all the roles she plays. For over 18 years across 650 plus salons across the country, Naturals has been helping the Beautiful Indian Woman get more Beautiful.

Today Naturals Salutes the Beautiful Indian Woman.

Presenting Naturals TRUE BEAUTY…

(I write about several women who are caregivers, sole breadwinners and more for their families.)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bad Omen

humans are strange
they dress up graves
and coffins
just like they do brides

They won't care
unless your death can fill
their gossip inboxes

the one who might write
lofty obituaries
shall do so
to keep the superhero tag
of compassion 
for the doomed you

you will be alone
drop by drop
or falling
floor by floor
images flashing by
faster than the speed of light

the little girl leaning on her father
the young teenager's first kiss
the woman in love
giving up her world for it
the mother who survived
the child who didn't

the wife hiding the scars
behind the makeup
the brave woman
who didn't let her hand
or her voice shake
even when her soul 
was falling apart

all of you
she loved
she had only soul to give
and a body
but you wanted more
so she let you go
to find your more

and let you push the dagger
deeper and deeper
into her heart

The mirror had cracked that morning
the hairdresser warned the bride
it was a bad omen!