

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blogchatter E-Book Carnival- Mentor Calling!

Last year was my 5th consecutive year at the AtoZ blogging challenge, I partnered with Blogchatter whose various activities and support throughout April and beyond made it a unique experience and I was motivated to convert these posts into my first e-book.

The book is now available at Kindle HERE

It was a topic close to my heart and the book has been featured at various other addresses like at SheThePeopleTV HERE

mental health primer

In 2020 Blogchatter is back with their E-Book Carnival, my experience with them was absolutely worth a mention as I received various kinds of support at all stages and having a peer community there with first-time e-book authors like me back then and experienced ones it was a unique camaraderie of shared knowledge and resources.

This is what motivated me to agree to be a mentor this year with Blogchatter and pass the lessons and the kindness on, though I did not attempt the AtoZ challenge this year due to some personal challenges and the pandemic.

An important aspect is that as a new author you get lot of readers right there in the community and reviewers too, also mentors like me can assist in overcoming hurdles if any.

For more details, you can check out the FAQs, check mentor profiles at the LINK below, but first of all, go and register yourself for the e-book carnival, we at the Blogchatter community have your back!

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Cycle of Worry during the Pandemic #MentalHealth

We humans are creatures of habit, it’s what makes us feel secure. When everything that was normal becomes turned on its ear, we invariably become unsettled… anxious.

Whatever was not going right in your life emotionally before the pandemic is probably being magnified and showcased for you right now.

This pandemic is shining a spotlight on our inner selves. Your eyes can now see, in high-def living color, what’s been missing, what’s been disjointed, what’s been problematic in your life, maybe even for a long time.

Worrying is insecurity’s major delivery system. Insecurity and worry are joined at the hip. When we feel out of control and vulnerable, we want to do something to regain a sense of control. This tendency to want to be in control is baked into our DNA — humans hate, absolutely loathe, being out of control. Now, finding ourselves confronted with this pandemic, our imaginations have become a blank screen on which to project our deepest worries and fears.

3 Ways the Pandemic Shines a Light on Your Issues 

  • Being locked away with your closest people highlights whatever problems exist in your relationships with those people. For example, have you been angry with your spouse for a long time? You’re likely to notice it more now.
  • Being prevented from engaging in your external life makes you either miss it or be happy to be away from it. Which is it for you? What does this say about how you have been living your life?
  • Having far fewer external distractions leaves you sitting with your inner self. Your body may have been trying to send you messages for some time (maybe even years) and you have been too busy, too distracted, too externally focused, or too tired to notice. Now you can pay attention. What are they? What do they mean?

Take your life back from insecurity and worry
  • Beginning today, differentiate between facts and emotional fictions if it takes place anytime but at the moment, it’s a fiction.
  • Recognize that you are not your insecurity. Insecurity is a long-standing habit.
  • An active mind can insist on more healthy thinking.
  • Try distractions like watching TV (not the news) or reading a great book, exercise, getting outside, immersing yourself in a hobby. Or simply employ a mantra telling yourself, “Stop it! Drop it!”
A Therapist's Guide to Emotional Health in a Pandemic - The Atlantic

This post is part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter