

Friday, July 31, 2020

Empathetic Active Listening (Mental Health)

Communication consists of verbal (words and their meanings) and - nonverbal parts. 

Words play a much smaller role than we think. Personal example plays a much more important role. (Words are generally considered to form about 7 to 10% of communication, voice (tone, loudness) 30 to 38% and the greatest deal, 55 to 60%, is body language (nonverbal communication) = what we do and what we are.)

Levels of Active Listening 
1) Ignoring 
2) Pretending
3) Listening Selectively 
4) Listening Carefully
5) Listening Empathically 

Empathic listening is the highest form of listening. We empathize with the feelings and thoughts of the other party by which we create a positive psychological climate. If we've created such a climate contrasts between words and feelings disappear; people express themselves openly and honestly. 

Use 6 Active Listening Skills to Coach Others | CCL

Steps to Empathy How to learn it? 
Step by step: 
1) Listen carefully and time to time use the other party's words to repeat what has been said. 
2) Express what has been said by your own words giving feedback on how you've understood. 
3) Try to reflect the partner's feelings (what you think the heard has evoked in him or her). 4) Occasionally make a summary of the essence of what has been said. Also express feelings, which it has evoked, and importance for the partner.

This post is a part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter Campaign.