

Monday, April 5, 2021

Drapetomania #Newnormal #A2Z


(Greek) An overwhelming urge to run away

Here is an invisible cage

a soul serving a life sentence

the urge to fly

to run away

to be Icarus for a day

to fly close to the sun

whatever consequences

might come my way

but then the fear freezes the mind

and I run far away in a


that is all I can afford

the Blue mosque, or seashells

or somewhere in the hills

the urge to break free

to run away.

This is my 6th #AtoZ, read the posts from previous challenges HERE.

Find a List of all my 2021 AtoZ posts HERE.

This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z

This post is also part of the global Blogging from A to Z 2021


  1. Wouldn't we all want to run away from this awful time of Corona. And indeed vacations are relegated to the mind and I love you mindcation.....

  2. I have been feeling the same for quite some time now. I'm sure many are too. Love the poem (again!)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some love on my blog.

    I'm impressed you've got your D post out already.

  4. I love this poem Pooja - a real sign of the times but beyond that - truly personal.

  5. Wow, never knew about this word but I must say I can totally relate to the feeling it conveys. This is so great of you Pooja ji to bring out such words and then a complementing verse to go along with it. Fan Forever.

  6. Research my friend reseacrh! Thanks for your continuous support.

  7. OH! I really want to run away!! what an interesting concept you have for the challenge

  8. I'm on a permanent mindcation these days. Wish I could atleast go for one in reality!

  9. Is 'mindcation' even possible--I wonder.
    Thank you for a great word (new to me so keeping it safe for use in the future).

    1. That's the only possibility as of now it seems

  10. I'm a drapetomaniac... Always ran away, especially from problems 😅

  11. Don't we all want to run away to our dream destinations! Lovely poem, resonating many hearts' desires.

  12. A different theme. Loved the poem and need to run away can relate to the feeling it conveys

  13. Is drapetomania spurred by fear or wanderlust or both? If wanderlust, I can relate. I am ready for something besides a "mindcation"!

  14. I believe we all have this urge now. Thank you for expressing it so elegantly.

  15. Love the word and your poem - so evocative and so pertinent for all of us I think.

  16. Ahhh.. This feeeling of being caged has been with me for a few years now and the Pandemic has added onto it. Need a trip badly. Very well written

  17. love the word; and while the urge is there, there is nowhere to run to, except as you state within..:)
    Diacope Or At the Risk of Repeating Mysel

  18. Lovely! The sentiment is overwhelming, I am running towards writing, the little refuge for the time being.

  19. Yes we all are, thanks for visiting
